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4 Kommentare:

  1. hi sir am from kenya, am looking forward to get some insight through such company like yours am so passionate about programming and with a passion in innovation and craving for a greater milestone through tech,currently am an University student majoring in information Technology

    1. Hi Nicholas, thanks for reaching me out.
      If you look for remote internship currently my company does not provide such opportunity, but how you can look for internship in Kenya
      My best advise look what your local companies in Kenya looking for, it make no sense to learn a programming language, which not in the demand by local business. Once you get the internship you would be able to get real experience from the field. During your internship be on continuous hunt for even better job offerings. If you learn online use online training like Udemy and or pluralsight or even bitdegree , actually it doesnt matter, what make sense is to learn on purpose , to use the gained knowledge at the company in Kenya where you hopefully would be hired.

  2. Mariano, no , but i have employees with such knowledge , reach me via social network or via my ocg forum.


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